Learning at Isleham Preschool

Isleham Preschool Curriculum

At Isleham Preschool we have eight key curriculum aims. These aims are in place to help parents are careers see what skills and attributes we will be supporting and encouraging throughout their children’s time with us.

  • A unique child

  • Independent Physical skills

  • Celebrating our diverse community

  • Expression through the arts

  • Encouraging expressive communication

  • Respecting human values

  • Understanding personal values

  • Opportunities to stay curious

We aim to provide your children with enriching play and experiences that will promote all of these areas.

What does learning at isleham preschool look like?

At Isleham pre-school we aim to provide stimulating, creative and exciting activities where learning and play are intertwined to support each individual child, in a safe and secure environment. The children have access to activities both indoors and outdoors, where the outdoors is seen as its own learning environment. We actively encourage child-initiated activities, following the children’s interests alongside more focused adult-led activities to challenge and extend the children’s learning.

 How do we promote learning?

At pre-school we look to promote the children’s independence and well-being, so we actively encourage them to participate in routines of the day for example preparing snack. getting dressed to go outdoors and clearing away after lunchtimes. This focus on independence supports the children in being ready to make the next step into primary school.

How do we monitor learning?

Each child at the pre-school is assigned their own key person, who through observation and assessment get to know that child’s interests and stages of development, planning for their individual learning.

How do we involve parents?

This learning journey is shared with parents through an online learning journal called tapestry and we encourage parents to share information about their child’s learning at home to promote a parents as partners approach. Parents are made aware of our topics and dialogic books and are encouraged to share their ideas on our curriculum board. Parents are also given the opportunity throughout the year to come and meet with their child’s key person to discuss their child’s progress and learning.

How do we support learning?

We use the consideration of children’s interest and stages of development to plan activities within the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework (EYFS).

The Characteristics of effective learning and the prime and specific areas of learning are what make up the EYFS.

Characteristics of effective learning:

  • Playing and exploring

  • Active learning

  • Creating and thinking

Seven areas of learning:

 Prime areas

  • Personal. social and emotional development

  • Communication and language

  • Physical development

Specific areas

  • Understanding the world

  • Literacy

  • Expressive arts and design

  • Mathematics

How can you find out more?

More information about the EYFS framework can be found here https://foundationyears.org.uk/files/2021/09/What-to-expect-in-the-EYFS-complete-FINAL-16.09-compressed.pdf It has some helpful information on how you can support your child’s learning at home.