Our Mission Statement
At Isleham Preschool we offer a warm and nurturing space for children to truly be themselves and flourish.
Our unique village location means we can offer a home from home experience incorporating nature and community life into our rich learning experiences.
We believe children are the future and so our investment is invaluable.
When can my child start?
For information about start dates- please get in touch
Isleham Preschool operates from a purpose built building in the grounds of Isleham Primary School. We are open Monday - Friday 8.30 - 3.30 (7 hours) term time only.
Term dates are available here.
Preschool day
8:30 Preschool opens
9:00 Registration
Free/adult lead play
10:00 Snack time
Outside play
12:00 Lunchtime
12:30 Quiet time
Free/adult lead play
2:00 Snack time
Outside play
3:20 Preschool finishes
3:30 Preschool closes
snacks and drinks
We have a specific ‘drinks station’ for all of the children’s water bottles. We have a water machine available for children to use if their water bottle becomes empty.
AM snack - We provide morning snack and milk for the children at preschool.
PM snack - Children are encouraged to finish off food in their lunch boxes. Parents who’s children are only doing a afternoon session without lunch are asked to bring in their child’s snack. If a child has had Preschool cooked lunch we ask parents to bring in an afternoon snack.
If your child is staying for lunch please label their lunch box. We promote healthy eating at our setting. Please provide your child with a healthy balenced diet within their lunch boxes. Please ensure that all grapes and other small round items are cut long ways to avoid choking.
Please no nuts, bananas or sweets in lunch boxes.
*NEW* We have collaborated with Isleham Primary school who now provide us with cooked school lunches! If you would like your child to have school lunches we ask that this is booked the week before and parents will be invoiced weekly. School lunches are £2.60 per day.
Session timetable
Morning session without lunch (3.5 hours) 8:30am - 12:00pm
Morning sessions with lunch (4 hours) 8:30am - 12:30pm
Afternoon session with lunch (3.5 hours) 12:00 - 3:30pm
Afternoon session without lunch (3 hours) 12:30pm - 3:30pm
Full day sessions with lunch (7 hours) 8:30am - 3:30pm
A retainer cost will be required - this is be discussed upon registration
Hourly rate: £6.00
Morning session without lunch (3.5 hours) = £21.00
Morning sessions with lunch (4 hours) = £24
Afternoon session with lunch (3.5 hours) = £21.00
Afternoon session without lunch (3 hours) = £18.00
Full day sessions with lunch (7 hours) = £42.00
Please note that fees are charged by the session regardless of arrival or pick up times.
Additional sessions above agreed hours £6.00 per hour
Late collection fee of £20 for the first 15 minutes then £10 per 5 minutes after.
Late payment fee of £20
All children are eligible for Early Years Funding the term after they are 3 years old, this funding will be discounted from your total hours before invoicing for any reminding hours. More information about Early Years Funding can be found here.
Those experiencing difficulty in making this payment should put this in writing for the attention of the manager at the time of receiving an offered place at the preschool. The right to reduce or remove the charge will be at the discretion of the Management Committee and will remain a confidential matter.
Our rough guide to safeguarding can be found here. All staff are trained to recognising signs of child abuse and are committed to respond promptly and appropriately to all incidents or concerns of abuse and will work with statutory agencies in accordance with the procedures that are set out in our child protection policy.